Senheng Online Store

Senheng  as one of the leading electrical appliances store in Malaysia, and known to have a sucky website since day 1. Now, they finally had revamp it with new features like e-commerce system, responsive design, better product catalogue, new layout, using cdn… But sadly, it is still full with bugs and errors. senheng error For example, the promotion page have connection to db error msg. senheng messy   An e-commerce page that’s messy and long way scrolling down, more like a spoiled layout. responsive design   And a responsive design page that doesn’t looks good on small screen. IT is crucial in today retail business, looks at example like wallmart and dell, or even china gome. I likes some of senheng concept such as modern looking store & nationwide free delivery, and is always looking forward hoping to see they get serious in online store. As the best company to work for in Asia year 2013, senheng might have a happy to work in environment, but for sure, their IT staff still have many rooms of improvement.